Kwasa  College: Hope, aspiration, education & safety for young people living in deprivation & poverty.
Read more about how Kwasa is changing lives…

West Green Charitable Trust is committed to supporting Kwasa College to…


Provide high quality teaching and learning to equip the students with skills, attitudes and the motivation to reach their potential as fulfilled and socially contributing adults.

Improve Health

Provide an environment which provides nutrition, a safe space, security and Primary health care.  In addition, to educate the students in all aspects of safe and healthy lifestyles to help them mitigate the health risks they face in everyday life in Daggafontein.

Raise Aspirations

Build confidence, instil curiosity, and develop an awareness of the wider world and its opportunities.

Uplifting anecdote about how the education, health or support etc. has been working and achieved good.  Linked to the “Our Impact” section. Boarder colour to help linking colours

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Please help Sindiswe and her fellow students to realise their dreams. Click here …